THM: Investigating Windows 2.0
Ref: THM: Investigating Windows2.0 Core Windows Processes Sysinternals Yara Task 1 - Introduction What registry key contains the same command th...
Ref: THM: Investigating Windows2.0 Core Windows Processes Sysinternals Yara Task 1 - Introduction What registry key contains the same command th...
Ref: Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure: Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure documentation Financial planning: Total cost of ownership (TCO) calculator ...
Ref: Linux loop devices — Overview Advanced disks storage and filesystems LVM - Logical Volume Management Dynamic storage RAID Create software RAID Networks iSCSI - Network-based ...
Overview Filesystems Create and manage filesystems ext4 xfs btrfs Mount filesystems ### Gain root privileges Using luksOpen to decrypt the device Sea...
Overview Hardware List hardware devices Create disk files to act as storage List available and used storage Partitions Create and read partition tables Encrypt partitions Listing ...
Objectives File Compression Using Compression Tools Archiving Using cpio Creating TAR Files The command tar can be used to create file archives. Althouth, Tape Archives, they are more comm...
Managing Linux Files tty ls -l ls -l $(tty) Working with Files and Directories FHS (File Hierarchy Standard) Changing Directories Listing Directory and File Metadata Deleting Directorie...
Ref: Link Microsoft Learn - PowerShell - FailoverClusters Microsoft Learn - PowerShell - Get-ClusterResource Microsoft Learn - PowerShell - Start-Cluste...
Step 1 - Open command prompt as administrator Check the installed Windows update that causing issue (Look for the latest update KBID) Command wmic qfe list brief Step 2 - Uninstall the lat...
Ref: THM: Red Team Recon THM: Password Attacks Red Team Toolkit Default Password - Default Password - Default-password Default Password - Weak Password...